Reminder for Grandparents: You are invited for Grandparent-Student Breakfast Day tomorrow (September 15th) at each school's cafeteria from 7:30 A.M. until 8:00 A.M. The High School will host Grandparent's Day Bingo tomorrow from 8:00 A.M. until 9:00 A.M. Coffee and muffins will be served. Bingo prizes will be awarded. The Grandparent Bingo location will be rotated each year between our 2 campuses.
over 1 year ago, Harvey Sellers
Progress Reports will be sent home with students next Friday, September 15th. Parents may utilize the Home Access Center (HAC) website to see their child's grades, attendance, and discipline information. Link for HAC: Parents can request the User Name and Password from their child's counselor/secretary. There is a HAC Tutorial Video on our website:
over 1 year ago, Harvey Sellers
Students and Parents: Please return all signed applicable handbook forms (Pages 3-17) to school by Friday, August 25th. The link to the online student handbook:
over 1 year ago, Harvey Sellers
2023-2024 Handbook Cover
Good morning LCSD!
over 1 year ago, Lafayette County School District, AR
old crayons